Thursday 25 February 2010

Steampunkery, in writing and in action

Well, despite getting hideously drunk on Tuesday night I've still managed to be somewhat productive of late.
Last night saw me going to a very cool TechMeetUp in Glasgow with talks from web designer Neil Scott and Me and the Giants developer Dave Sapien. Beer was drunk, pizza was eaten, iPhone apps designed for toddlers were greatly enjoyed. A good night was had by all.
Today I've been able to get round to finishing a short story I've been working on for about a week and a half now. It's simply entitled 'Ruth' and is a Steampunk science fiction short story set in the American Civil War, it runs to about 4,750 words and I'm going to see if I can sell it, if I do manage to I'll let you know where it's readable. And if I don't manage to sell it I may end up posting it online somewhere, so one way or another you'll get to read it if you're interested.
Tonight is also the weekly Glasgow University E. Steampunk Society (GUESS) and tonight is a showing of Franklyn which ought to prove entertaining followed by the weekly trip to the student union.
I'll leave this post for now but I do have quite a bit in the works that I'm sure I'll discuss at length another time.
Until next time.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Introductions, the pleasure is mine.

Well then, I'm as Englishman who currently finds himself residing in Glasgow, dating a German and sharing a room with an American after having shared with an Irishman and a Scotsman. So yes, my life is hurtling headlong towards a big cosmic punchline any minute now. My normal method of communicating is via Twitter (@Banderbear91) however, after being called a twitter-addict by my girlfriend I've given up Twitter for lent and made the jump from microblogging to full blown blogging.

Other things you should know about me, I'm a wannabe writer (but who isn't these days I suppose), I'm a literature lover and student but also have strong interests in science, maths and computers. I'm an active Steampunk (Google it) and so take great pleasure in being seen in Glasgow in Victorian outfit.

That's all for an introduction.